Luxury Κρέμα Προσώπου Ημέρας με γάλα καμήλας, Desert Bliss, 50ml

24,60 € με ΦΠΑ

Στο καλαθι

Unique formula with the participation of special natural active ingredients - camel's milk, rose water, argan oil, rose oil, hyaluronic acid and collagen.


Origin: EU
Ingredients: view description
Shipping Weight: 0.200 kg
Suitable for: All skin type


Unique formula with the participation of special natural active ingredients - camel's milk, rose water, argan oil, rose oil, hyaluronic acid and collagen - nourish, rejuvenate and protect facial skin from daily stress and aggressive environmental influences.

Camel milk increases the supply of oxygen to skin cells, stimulates their renewal and enhances the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Invaluable in the fight against skin aging.

Natural rose water, argan and rose oil have excellent hydrating effect, soften and tone the skin.

The cream has a sunscreen effect, providing a high degree of protection and suitable for all skin types. With daily use, the skin becomes soft, tender and radiant, protected from the aggressive rays of the sun. Day cream DESERT BLISS LUXURY 24 HOURS HYDRATION prevents the signs of premature skin aging and in combination with night cream DESERT BLISS LUXURY is extremely effective with a rejuvenating effect.

Light anti-aging cream, providing hydration and daily comfort. The cream increases the skin's natural defenses and restores its elasticity and density. It has a powerful antioxidant effect, which slows down cell aging, reactivates collagen synthesis, forms a lipid barrier on the outer layer of the epidermis.

Active ingredients:
- Natural camel milk;
- Natural rose water (Rose Damascena);
- Natural Bulgarian rose oil;
- Argan oil;
- Hyaluronic acid;
- Collagen.

Apply every morning. Gently massage with your fingertips.

Pakcin: 50 ml


Εισαγωγή-Διάθεση: " Η Φωνή της Φύσης", ΚΑΛΛΙΘΕΑ,
Αθήνα, τηλ. 211-2165383, mobil & viber: 6993155040

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